Gain insights into the make up of businesses in trade industries
Understanding the differences between the characteristics of women and men in the trades can provide insight into strategies to boost female participation.
Find out how many employers engage with ITO training
Most employers in the trades have employed an apprentice within four years of starting operations
Older workers and apprentices typically retain longer. Explore just how much by
Get insights into the construction workforce down to the territorial authority level
Investigate the experience rates of trades workers
Some sectors in the trades are succeeding in attracting women into their workforce, while others are struggling
Investigate how trades workers are moving within, and out of New Zealand
Investigate how underemployment rates compare across industries and occupations in New Zealand
Explore how underutilisation rates compare across age groups, gender, and regions within New Zealand
See how the distribution of employees in trade sectors has shifted over time
See the distribution of employees in trades industries by business size
Explore a map of New Zealand displaying the count of businesses and employees
Track how business maturity has changed over time for businesses in trade industries
See the breakdown of businesses in trade industries by their maturity
See how businesses have grown in trade industries by business size
See the make up of businesses in the trades industries based on business size
Explore our dashboard displaying the breakdown of businesses in trade sectors by size and region
Find out how workers are distributed among firms of different sizes
Find out what percentage of employees in different sized firms were recently in training